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Non Bake CheeseCake Mix 免烘乳酪蛋糕预拌粉

CheeseCake Mix 免烘乳酪蛋糕粉 500g

- Recipe included in packaging


- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!



Ingredients needed :

Cheese cake mix 免烘乳酪蛋糕预拌粉 , Melted Butter融化牛油 , Water水 ,  Digestive Biscuit

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Chiffon Cake Mix 戚风蛋糕混合粉

Chiffon Cake Mix 戚风蛋糕混合粉500g


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!





Ingredients needed材料 :

Chiffon cake mix 戚风蛋糕预拌粉,

, Eggs 蛋, Water水 , Melted Butter.

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Sponge Cake Mix 海绵蛋糕预拌粉

Sponge Cake Mix 海绵蛋糕预拌粉500g


- Recipe included in packaging


- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!


-Suitable for making Sponge cake Base, Swissroll Cake.

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Soft Donut Mix 甜甜圈预拌粉

Soft Donut Mix 甜甜圈预拌粉500g

- Recipe included in packaging


- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!


Ingredients needed 材料:

Soft donut mix甜甜圈预拌粉 , Cold Water冷水 , Instant Dry Yeast酵母


* Easy to bake 简单易上手

* High Success rate

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Red Velvet Cake Mix 红丝绒蛋糕预拌粉

Red Velvet Cake Mix 红丝绒蛋糕预拌粉


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!



-Red Velvet Cake is traditionally a red-brown coloured chocolate cake, usually layered with cream cheese or icing.

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Pettina Sponge Cake Mix 海绵蛋糕混合粉

Pettina Sponge Cake Mix 海绵蛋糕混合粉500g

- Recipe included in packaging


- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!


-Suitable for making Sponge cake Base, Swissroll Cake.

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Cup Cake Mix 杯子蛋糕混合粉

Cup Cake Mix 杯子蛋糕混合粉 500g

- Recipe included in packaging


- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!


-It's rich in taste,the texture is almost fudgy and dense mouth-feel.

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Muffin Cake Mix 玛芬蛋糕混合粉

Muffin Cake Mix m玛芬蛋糕混合粉 500g


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!



Ingredients needed材料 :

Muffin cake mix玛芬蛋糕混合粉 , Corn Oil粟米油 , Eggs蛋 ,

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Chocolate Moist Cake Mix湿润蛋糕预拌粉

Chocolate Moist Cake Mix 湿润蛋糕混合粉


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!




Ingredients needed材料 :

Chocolate moist cake mix湿润蛋糕预拌粉 , Corn Oil 粟米油, Eggs蛋 ,

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Korea Chewy Bun Mix 韩国QQ面包预拌粉

Korea Chewy Bun Mix 韩国QQ面包预拌粉500g


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!




Ingredients needed材料 :

Korea chewy bun mix 韩国QQ面包预拌粉, Cold water冷水 , Egg蛋 , Black Sesame 黑芝麻,

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Kiwi Muffin Cake Mix 奇异果玛芬蛋糕预拌粉

Kiwi Muffin Cake Mix 奇异果玛芬蛋糕预拌粉 500g


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!




Ingredients needed材料 :

Kiwi muffin cake mix 奇异果玛芬蛋糕预拌粉, Corn Oil 粟米油, Eggs蛋 , Water水.

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Fino Bun Mix 甜面包预拌粉

Fino Bun Mix甜面包预拌粉 500g


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!





Ingredients needed 材料:

Fino bun mix 甜面包预拌粉, Water 水, Egg蛋 , Instant Yeast酵母



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Eggless Cake Mix 素蛋糕预拌粉

Eggless Cake Mix 素蛋糕预拌粉 500g


- Recipe included in packaging


- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!





Ingredients needed 材料

Eggless cake mix素蛋糕预拌粉, Water水 , Corn Oil粟米油




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Chocolate Sponge Mix 巧克力海绵蛋糕预拌粉

Chocolate Sponge Cake Mix 巧克力海绵蛋糕预拌粉 500g


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!



-Suitable for making Sponge cake Base, Swissroll Cake.

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Chocolate Lava Cake Mix 心太软蛋糕预拌粉

Chocolate Lava Cake Mix心太软蛋糕预拌粉500g

- Recipe included in packaging


- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!



Ingredients needed材料 :

Chocolate lava cake mix心太软蛋糕预拌粉 , Water 水, Corn oil粟米油


* Easy to bake

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Chocolate Chip Muffin Cake Mix 巧克力玛芬蛋糕预拌粉

Chocolate Chip Muffin Cake Mix 巧克力玛芬蛋糕预拌粉500g


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!





Ingredients needed 材料:

Chocolate chip muffin cake mix巧克力玛芬蛋糕预拌粉 , Corn Oil

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Out of Stock
Butter Cake Mix 牛油蛋糕预拌粉

ButterCake Mix 牛油蛋糕预拌粉

- Recipe included in packaging


- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!



Ingredients needed 材料:

Butter Cake mix 牛油蛋糕预拌粉 , Butter 牛油, Eggs蛋


* Easy to bake 简单易上手

* High Success

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Brownie Cake Mix 布朗尼蛋糕预拌粉

Brownie Cake Mix 布朗尼蛋糕预拌粉


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!




Ingredients needed 材料:

Brownie cake mix 布朗尼蛋糕预拌粉, Butter牛油 , Eggs蛋 , Water水



* Easy

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Blueberry Muffin Cake Mix蓝莓玛芬蛋糕预拌粉

Blueberry Muffin Cake Mix 蓝莓玛芬蛋糕预拌粉 500g


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!




Ingredients needed 材料:

Blueberry muffin cake mix蓝莓玛芬蛋糕预拌粉 , Corn Oil 粟米油, Eggs蛋 , Water水.

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Sakura Cake Mix 樱花蛋糕预拌粉

Pettina Sakura Cake Mix 樱花🌸蛋糕预拌粉


- Recipe included in packaging



- Time saving, Avoid waste, Just follow simple steps and enjoy baking!



-Suitable for making Cake Base, Swissroll Cake.

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Tasuko Pancake Cassava

A) Pancake Cassava Flour Mix 150g Directions:
1. In a medium bowl, beat eggs together.
2. Add fresh milk and rice bran oil. Mix it well.
3. Stir in Tasuko Pancake Cassava Flour Mix and mix until blended.
4. Pour 2 tablespoon of batter onto medium heat pan. Wait unti the bubble is formed, then flip it.

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Tasuko Organic Cassava Flour
Tasuko all purpose organic cassava flour, organic and free from gluten.
Your Bakery will be delicious and healthy. No need to compromise!
- Organic Cassava Flour
-100% Organic Cassava FlourTasuko
Tasuko Cookie Cassava

B) Cookie Cassava Flour Mix 150g Directions:
1. Preheat oven to 180 *c
2. In a medium bowl, whisk room temperature butter until smooth.
3. Add egg and whisk until well blended.
4. Stir Tasuko Cookie Cassava Flour Mix into a mixing bowl. Mix it well.
5. Add multigrain (optional) into a mixing bowl.

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Tasuko Brownie Cassava

C) Brownie Cassava Flour Mix 150g Direction:
1. In a medium bowl, beat eggs until fluffy.
2. Preheat oven to 180*c
3. Add melted butter into a mixing bowl.
4. Stir in Tasuko Brownie Cassava Flour Mix and mix until blended.
5. Pour the batter into 9 X 9 inches baking pan. Sprinkle sliced almonds over the top.

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